Ancient Warfare magazine Vol XI.4 - Wars of the twelve Tribes
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Theme: Warfare in ancient Israel and the Levant.
- Jasper Oorthuys, 'Historical introduction - Warfare in ancient Israel'.
- Mark Schwartz, 'The Moabite Stone and military history - Devoted to destruction'.
- Hans Edelmaier, 'The first reported night attack - Gideon's raid on En-dor'.
- Sidney E. Dean, 'The Battle of Qarqar, 853 BC - Coalition warfare'.
- Gareth Williams, 'Judean fortifications from Rehoboam - The stone frontier'.
- Haggai Olshanetsky, 'Israelites in the army of Assyria - In the name of Gods and Kings'.
- Jasper Oorthuys, 'The Lachish reliefs - an overview'.
- Duncan B. Campbell, 'An unnoticed Roman military diploma - A Praetorian in New York'.
- Michael Livingston and Myke Cole, 'The key to unlocking the past - All-source analysis'.
- Duncan B. Campbell, 'Who were the antesignani? - Those in front of the standards'.
- Tacticus, 'The art of tactics - taktikè technè, part IV - The myth of the othismos'.
- Graham Sumner, 'A Roman optio from Chester - Waiting in the wings'.
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