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Cut and stab proof - The Battle-Merchant Blog

Discover the secrets of sword care and keep your blades in perfect condition - from cleaning to preservation.
Discover the rich tradition and symbolism of the Japanese samurai sword from the Middle Ages to modern times.
Discover the fascinating world of the katana and learn more about its unique construction, symbolism and significance in Japanese culture.
Immerse yourself in the history, manufacture and care of swords - from antiquity to modern times.
The gambeson, an often overlooked piece of armor, was a masterpiece of medieval craftsmanship and a key to understanding the warfare of the time.
Discover proven techniques and invaluable advice on storing, restoring and sustainably caring for your leather goods.
Discover the development and significance of ancient weapons and armor from Classical Greece to the Roman Empire.
Discover the art of katana care and preserve the tradition of samurai swords with our expert tips.
Learn how to recognize a high-quality katana and determine its value. From traditional forging techniques to maintenance, this guide is essential for collectors and enthusiasts.
Find out more about the fascinating properties and production of the legendary Valyrian steel from the world of Game of Thrones.
Explore the fascinating history of the sword Sting from Tolkien's Middle-earth saga and learn how it became one of the most famous fantasy artifacts.
Discover the world of medieval armor - from chain mail to plate armor.
From full-grain leather to suede - a comprehensive overview of the different types of leather and their properties.
Discover the fascinating world of medieval armor art, in which protection, status and faith merged into impressive works of art.
Discover the fascinating world of Game of Thrones swords - from authentic HBO originals to detailed fan replicas.
Discover the fascinating history of women's armor and its influence on society and culture from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Find out how sword fighting techniques developed from ancient times to modern times and how they have shaped our cultural heritage.
Discover how the strong female characters in Game of Thrones express their power and identity through the use of swords.
Explore the balancing act between protection and freedom of movement in the development of historical armor.
An epic journey through the development of weapons and armor in the world of Tolkien.
The importance of leather for a successful medieval reenactment - from armor to everyday objects.
Discover the fascinating evolution of sword designs in Game of Thrones and learn more about the importance of these iconic weapons to the characters and the world of Westeros.
Discover the versatile world of leather for your LARP adventures - from choosing the right material to using it safely.
Leather armor has protected and impressed warriors for thousands of years. Their history is as diverse as it is remarkable.
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