Medieval Warfare Vol VIII.2 - The English Invasion of Wales
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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage
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A look at how the English and the Welsh went to war in the thirteenth-century and the great castles that are a legacy of that conflict.
Theme: Edward I's invasion of Wales
- Peter Konieczny, 'The English and Welsh struggle - One island, one king?'.
- Danièle Cybulskie, 'Prince, pawn, and prodigal son - The rise of Edward I'.
- Rebecca Batley, 'Hostage, traitor, patriot, hero - The path of Dafydd ap Gruffudd'.
- John R. Kenyon, 'Defence-spending, medieval style - The castles of Edward I in Wales'.
- Sean Davies, '"All Wales was cast to the ground" - Edward's conquest'.
- Peter Konieczny, Further reading - Books and article on the invasion of Wales'.
- Giovanni Amatuccio, 'Maniakes' great misadventure - The invasion of Sicily in 1038'.
- Peter Konieczny, 'Can you answer these - Anglo-Saxon riddles'.
- Kay Smith and Ruth R. Brown, 'A gift for a poet - The buckler'.
- M.G. Haynes, 'Peasant resistance in the Imjin War - Guerrillas in the mist'.
- Murray Dahm, '"The dead cost nothing" - Edward I on film'.
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