Make Your Own Medieval Clothing - Headgear for Men and Women
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Du benötigst Hilfe oder hast eine Frage? Ruf uns einfach an. Unsere Mittelalterexperten freuen sich auf deinen Anruf.
by Susanne and Frank Leuner
New edition in English language
Format 21 x 29,7 cm ( DIN A4), 64 pages
Veil, circlet, coife, bonnet, cap or hood? To give an authentic portrayal of a medieval character, you will need an appropriate period headdress. This carefully research and richly illustrated book offers a wide variety of head coverings through the ages.
The authors present exemplary historical sources which form the foundation for their interpretations and also give advice how to wear the headdresses. The sources for sewing instructions range from early medieval pictures found in the Maciejowski Bible and the Codex Manesse to High Middle Ages archeological findings from London and late Middle Ages findings from Kempten in the Allgaeu, South Germany.
This book includes an introduction to the necessary working techniques. Clear and easily comprehensible instructions and pictures lead you through the work process. Even a layman can thus create patterns, sew different seam types and neaten cut edges. A section on materials ensures that you will be able to choose the right fabrics and colours.
This book is also available in German language (Product code 2221021400).
Dieses Buch gibt es auch in deutscher Sprache (Artikelnr. 2221021400).

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