DVD Arthurian Legends - Merlin
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Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage

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A tall pointy hat, long grey bread and flowing robes are the trademarks of what most envisage the benevolent and worldly wizard Merlin to have been like. With an eager young Arthur by his side, Merlin has taken on the guise of teacher, advisor and father figure to the young King but history paints the mysterious sorcerer in much murkier colours. Ironically, there is more evidence to support the existence of Merlin than there is for Arthur, but the evidence points to a holy man from demonic parentage or a wild man of the woods rather than a kindly old magician. Using new evidence, historical text and expert analysis this DVD attempts to separate myth from reality and identify the true origins and life of the most famous of wizards.
Length: 50 mins
Language: English Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.
Hersteller: Battle-Merchant Wacken GmbH & Co. KG, Gehrn 4, 25596 Wacken
Kontakt: info@battlemerchant.com

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