Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297-98: W. Wallace's Rebellion, CAM117
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Stirling Bridge and Falkirk 1297 - 98: William Wallace's rebellion
(Campaign 117)
Author: Peter Armstrong
Illustrator: Angus McBride
Paperback; February 2003; 96 pages
About this book:
The death of the last of the Scottish royal house of Canmore in 1290 triggered a succession crisis. Attempts to undermine Scottish independence by King Edward I of England sparked open rebellion culminating in an English defeat at the hands of William Wallace at Stirling Bridge in 1297. Edward gathered an army, marched north and at Falkirk on 22 July 1298 he brought Wallace's army to battle. Amid accusations of treachery, Wallace's spearmen were slaughtered by Edward's longbowmen, then charged by the English cavalry and almost annihilated. In 1305 Wallace was captured and executed, but the flame of rebellion he had ignited could not be extinguished.
The Authors:
Peter Armstrong was educated at Keswick School in Cumbria after which he spent some time abroad and at sea before taking a degree in Fine Art at Maidstone College of Art. He worked throughout the 1970s as a Secondary School art teacher in Cumbria during which time his fascination with military history and modelmaking led him to produce his first model soldier. More followed and in time a small scale production line was set up to satisfy growing demand. This led to Pete being able to leave full time teaching in the early 1980s to develop his embryonic modelmaking sideline into a full time business. Pete is the sculptor behind Border Miniatures and his books are the fruit of his many years of modelling experience and research.
Angus McBride was one of the world's most respected historical illustrators, who contributed to more than 90 Osprey titles over three decades. Born in 1931 of Highland parents but orphaned as a child, he was educated at Canterbury Cathedral Choir School. He worked in advertising agencies from 1947, and after national service, emigrated to South Africa where he lived for several years before relocating to Ireland. Angus sadly passed away in 2007.
# Origins of the Campaign
# Chronology
# Opposing Commanders
# Opposing Armies
# The Campaign of 1297
# The Battle of Stirling Bridge
# The Aftermath of Stirling Bridge
# The Campaign of 1298
# The Battle of Falkirk
# The Aftermath of Falkirk
# Bibliography
# Index
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