DVD Joan of Arc
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DVD Joan of Arc
Born in 1412, Joan of Arc - famous forever as the Maid of Orleans - was arguably one of the most remarkable women ever to grace the pages of history. Although Joan was born to well-off peasant folk, she had no formal education; but at the age of thirteen she heard her 'voices' for the first time - voices she believed belonged to St Michael and St. Catherine, telling her to rescue the Paris region from English domination. And that's what the incredible teenage girl did; clad in armour at the head of a French army of resistance, she ejected the English from Orleans and had Charles VII crowned in Reims Cathedral. Featuring authentic recreations and re-constructions, this is the story of one of the first in history to die for a Christian-inspired nationalism.
Narrated by Liz Beswick
Length: 48 mins
Language: English Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.
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