DVD History Of Warfare - The Jacobites
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DVD History Of Warfare - The Jacobites
The saga of the Jacobite rebellions is a moving tale of hope, courage and tragedy, for destiny decreed that on the windswept moor of Culloden in April 1746, Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Young Pretender, would gamble and lose all. It was here that proud Highland clans would make their final fateful charge, and that the Jacobite cause would be lost forever. Featuring spectacular footage from the motion picture 'Chasing The Deer', this DVD tells the tale of the great Jacobite rebellions. It features superb battle re-enactments, dramatised reconstructions and 'eye-witness' accounts, as well as expert commentary and analysis. 'The Jacobites' provides a vivid record of a momentous period in British history.
Narrated by Michael Elder
Length: 60 mins
Language: English Diese DVD ist nur in englischer Sprache erhältlich.
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